Things to consider when considering fitting a variable speed drive to save energy
When considering fitting a variable speed drive to save energy, you need to consider the following :
Has an energy survey been carried out to identify potential savings?
Is the variable speed drive the correct type for the application?
Is the variable speed drive listed on the UK governments’ Technology List?
Should you apply to the Carbon Trust for an interest free loan for carbon friendly equipment?
Will the equipment be installed and set up by a competent installer?
Will the installer give 24/7 support for the newly installed equipment?
Traditionally slowing down the rate of flow from a fan or pump has been achieved by partially closing a damper or valve on either side of it. However this does not slow down the fan or pump and high losses and energy wastage occur as a result.
Centrifugal loads such as fans and pumps offer the greatest potential for energy savings by using drives to control speed.